My Story

In 2017, I graduated from Pepperdine University with a B.A. in Creative Writing and a concentration in French and Multimedia Design. Some of the advanced courses I took include creative writing for the professional market, communications & storytelling, poetry, screenwriting, novel-writing, and writing for children’s books. Since then, I’ve written hundreds of blogs, blurbs, and briefs for small to big businesses including restaurants, law firms, major retailers, supply chain companies, and more.

I love to create – with my words and with my hands. Though I only have a select amount of pieces right now; over time, my portfolio will outgrow this “about me” bio and this paragraph will soon have something completely different to say.

My “why” is growth and gratitude – to grow myself and others using the talents I’ve been blessed with. My “how” is through the unconditional support of my family, teachers, and friends. And my “what” is the works I can create for you.